"The Jewels"

"The Jewels"

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


This question has nothing to do with "The Jewels": Now that the end of the year has arrived, and so many of you are finishing your high school experience, what advice would you give to students at Arlington Mill? (Please give details. I would like to share your advice with my next students). (Student ID)


  1. My advice to new or former students are to stay focused in school and not to slack on school work!! This goes out to all the new SENIORS, don't screw up your senior year! Go to school,do your work and after that you can do whatever you want after. Take it from someone who has "been there done that". 812849

  2. My advice to the students who will be here in Arlington Mill is , to read, read, and read as more they can because it will help all of them to improve theirs self in the future. Also, I would like to say please don't scare or fell a shame of any question you have because it is better to be ignorant for a moment,but not for ever,964876

  3. My advice to all the students who will be here for a couple years in Arlington Mill is to read, read, and read as much they can because it will increas their vocabulary, it will help all of them to improve themself in the future. Also, I would like to say please don't be scare or feel ashame of any question you may have to ask. Basically it's better to stubburnfor a moment than forever. Dont mess up around kids this it's going to be yours, follow the rules and be fucus and what you need to learn. 965443

  4. My biggest advice for students will be, come to school as often as possible. It may feel like you can keep up with your work even though you're missing a few days of school here and there but you will learn in the end that there is damage done for every day of school that you miss. 964951

  5. Never give up,though at the way have spines.Especially when that tries about our future like getting graduate of high school.We need to be one more like the most the people who graduated and don't joint to little people without to finish the high school. 987062

  6. i would say don't try to do all the work at ones just do it day by day, if you can't handle waking up in the morning don't take classes in that time just take classes in the day because is better to come to class then to mostly never come to class and then having wasted your time and also you will be frustrated in the end of the course because you will be bombarded with a ton of homework and is not fun having to deal with that 992104

  7. My advice to the future students is to take every opportunity that the school offers. Arlington Mill opens doors for a brighter future, full of achievements and successes. Success is the effort of every day. Good Luck and Never Give Up...762632

  8. I would tell them to attend to school everyday ,to pay attention in their classes and also to do the homework and to study and practice before taking any test.987601
